Sunday, July 31, 2016


 Richard Dick and Bob Galler with their Spirit of SAM Wakefield Gulls. As Bob writes - "We are proud to keep them flying. Richard's Gull came from the late Buzz Averill and my model came from Phil Pearce."

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Bob Galler's Flamingo bipe - Part One

Starting the fuse next. The angles and dihedral have been worked out. The ribs from Bob were great. The support in middle is just for taking photo without support from fuse struts. My worktable is 5 feet. Onwards and upwards. Bob Galler

The top front portion of the Flamingo of one continuous piece of 5/322 balsa. First made of cardboard, then traced to balsa two 4 inch sheets joined, then balsa soaked overnight.  Now drying in place. After drying will be sanded for good fit and glued . The 2x Flamingo cockpit openings are so large that there is no need to make this piece removable as in Bowers smaller version. Bob Galler

Now this is what I call a pain in the neck. But After a lot of dremel sanding the aluminum struts and making cardboard and thin aluminum patterns it's close to within a degree or two. Some satisfaction in it not being an ARF. Bob Galler