Sunday, July 30, 2017

SAM 100 Old Timer Fun Fly 2018 - Saturday, May 19 and Sunday, May 20

Follow this link (Latest information on our sponsoring club's website ) to get the SAM 100 Old Timer Fun Fly 2018 information

Additionally, glider fliers may also be flying on Monday, May 21 in the morning at Albuquerque's Balloon Fiesta Park. Check with the Contest Director at Maloof Air Park on Sunday for an update to that effect.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Aeronca Chief for Speed 400

Richard Dick holds Bob Galler's Aeronca Chief for Speed 400 Scale. I'll be this one will do well at the upcoming SAM Champs in Boulder, NV.

Dave Thornburg and Bird of Time

Dave Thornburg visits our club sod farm in McIntosh, New Mexico. This is the first time I have seen Dave with his Bird of Time design. Bob Galler took the pic and reports that it is vintage 1985.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Galler Aeronca Chief

Bob is working hard on his Aeronca Chief project.